Ben's New Book on Revival

Most American Christians have an atrocious understanding of what revival truly is. Believers need a patient and detailed look at what the Bible teaches. It contradicts much of what passes for revival talk. How can believers pray for something when they don’t really know what it is? And when God sends it, they may mistake the answer for judgment. The average church member wants “revival” so that he can live a more convenient life unbothered by difficult concepts such as sorrow for sin, restitution, laboring in prayer, or enduring difficulty. This book will help explain what revival isn’t, what it is, and what it has looked like in the past.

Revival has been a particular burden on my heart for most of my life.  Having sought it diligently for myself and preached on the subject around the U.S.A, I understand that revival always begins in a fully yielded heart of a “born again” believer.  The emphasis of revival must be upon repentance, prayer, and full surrender to God’s will regardless of the consequence to the individual believer.  In most cases, revival will come with a price few are willing to pay.

Ben Everson’s new book We Need Revival addresses all these issues in a concise manner with considerable Biblical evidence and life experience.  I highly recommend this book to be read, studied, and implemented into the lives of believers.

Dr. Lance Ketchum

Pastor of 42 Years, Founder of Disciple Maker Ministries, author of 42 books

Anyone with a heart for revival will be instructed and encouraged by this book! Evangelist Ben Everson has a heart for God, a love for His people and a passion to see them revived. His thoughtful, thorough presentation is  a valuable contribution on a vital subject.

Dr. R. B. Ouellette

Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church of Bridgeport, MI

At a time when questions about the world’s future, the rise of crime and debauchery and the increase of melancholy depression gripping people, there is no greater need across the globe as the need for genuine Revival. In this book you will learn a clearer definition of what true spiritual revival is and the pathway of seeing it accomplished among God’s people. You will be challenged, encouraged, and awakened to the desperate need to see God work in a mighty way once again.

Dr. Morris Gleiser

Veteran Evangelist