Derric Johnson is a renowned composer, arranger, and performer in the world of a cappella music. He has had a significant influence on the genre, both as a member of the a cappella group “Regeneration” and as the director of the “Voices of Liberty” at Walt Disney World.

Johnson’s career in a cappella music began in the 1970s when he joined the a cappella group “Regeneration.” The group quickly gained recognition for their unique style, which combined elements of jazz, pop, and gospel music. Johnson’s contributions as an arranger and composer helped to define the group’s sound, which was characterized by intricate vocal harmonies and creative arrangements.

In addition to his work with Regeneration, Johnson also became the director of the “Voices of Liberty” at Walt Disney World in the 1980s. Under his leadership, the group became known for their stunning vocal performances, which often featured Johnson’s original arrangements of classic American songs.

One of the most significant contributions that Johnson made to a cappella music was his development of a unique style of vocal percussion. He developed a technique that involved using his voice to mimic the sound of drums, bass, and other percussion instruments. This approach helped to add a new dimension to a cappella music, allowing groups to create more complex arrangements without the need for traditional instruments.

Johnson’s influence on a cappella music can still be felt today. His innovative arrangements and use of vocal percussion have helped to shape the genre, and many of his compositions and arrangements continue to be performed by a cappella groups around the world. The style that he developed with Regeneration also helped to pave the way for a new generation of a cappella groups, many of which have taken inspiration from Johnson’s work.

In conclusion, Derric Johnson is a true pioneer in the world of a cappella music. His contributions as a composer, arranger, and performer have had a significant impact on the genre, and his influence can still be felt today. From his work with Regeneration to his leadership of the Voices of Liberty, Johnson has helped to shape the sound of a cappella music and has inspired countless musicians and performers around the world.