Ben is having surgery June 1 to repair an upper abdominal hernia. He has been having trouble with it for some time, and it may have even been interfering with his singing. Although this is a routine operation, would you please pray that it would be successful. Amanda had a very similar surgery in February with the same doctor and she has recovered very well.

This surgery is relatively routine, but it does have a painful recovery period. Ben’s biggest concern is that his kidney stone currently in his right kidney would not try to leave the kidney during the month of June. It is 10mm and will require surgery to remove, whenever it decides to move. Would you pray that it would stay put while he makes a full recovery?

The June schedule has been kept clear of all engagements so that Ben can recover well. We have scheduled daily posts both here on our website as well as on Facebook throughout the month of June, so come back often.

The Ben Everson Trio plans to be back on the road to Minneapolis for a July 4 event.