Ben Everson

Evangelist, Bible Revival Ministries

"The Encouraging Evangelist"

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Excellent preaching and singing. I still remember the first message Ben preached here. . . In all my years I have never heard that passage (Laodecia) explained so well.

Dr. Johnny Pope

Pastor, Christchurch Baptist Fellowship

We have him minister often at Pensacola Christian College where students, faculty, and staff enjoy his conversational style and humble spirit.

Dr. Troy Shoemaker

President, Pensacola Christian College

You have the way forward in Christian music according to the Bible. You handle this with knowledge and care and without doing unnecessary damage. You have done our church good. Quote me on that.

Dr. Charles Keen

Founder, Bearing Precious Seed/FirstBible

Upcoming Preaching Schedule

09 Mar
09 Mar 2025 All day
Edmond, OK
11 Mar
11 Mar 2025 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Edmond, OK
16 Mar
16 - 19 Mar 2025 All day
San Tan Valley, AZ
20 Mar
20 Mar 2025 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Peach Springs, AZ
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A Sermon from the Road

Formative Influences and Friendships

Ron Hamilton

Patch the Pirate, beloved by thousands of children, influenced Ben’s youth with his music. Years before stepping back from ministry, Patch, trusting Ben as a true friend to the ministry, collaborated with him on an a cappella Bow the Knee, Patch’s first music video.

Frank Garlock

Ben cherished Dr. Garlock as a deeply valued mentor. A close friend of Ben’s father, Dr. Dana Everson, the esteemed Dr. Garlock endorsed Ben’s book on music philosophy, recommending it widely just before his passing into glory, affirming Ben’s contribution to the field.

Nicky Chavers

Dr. Nicky Chavers, revered founder of The Academy of Arts, inspired Ben in elementary school with the troupe’s powerful plays, shaping his vision to impact lives for Christ through performing arts. Decades later, it was a privilege to be sought out by the Academy to record Dr. Chavers and a cast album.

Don Sisk

Dr. Don Sisk (pictured with Ben and Amanda’s 3 sons), a veteran missionary and preacher now in his 90s, spoke at Ben’s home church, Calvary Baptist in Midland, MI, where Ben heard God’s clear call to preach the Word, a pivotal moment in his life.

Les Ollila

Dr. Les Ollila (shown with mutual friend Dr. Cary Flinck) was one of Ben’s key mentors in revival principles while he was president at Northland Baptist Bible College. Ben and Amanda led a revival team for five years out of Northland before launching out on their own in 2003.